
Sunday, September 16, 2012

SO I was on Facebook when I saw this post from a friend who regularly post's on her blog and I enjoy reading it oh so much...
"New Post on the BLOG. If you don't have a blog, start one. I need more to read and they are so fun."
So yes I have a blog, but unfortunately I am terrible at posting on it... 

I got a new calling today in church, one that I have had before, but helps me with my musical talents. somewhat nerve racking and gives you very much power... any guesses? yup that's right Ward Organist. and you are thinking HOW does being the Ward Organist give you 'very much power?' Well, if the Ward Organist isn't at church, people would end up singing off tune or other such terribly awful things would happen, if the organist doesn't play loud enough everyone sings like mice or no one sings... 
have you ever noticed some of these things? Take notice, it will make you appreciate your organist so much more! 
5 weeks and 2 days! until our little baby girl comes and blesses our home! if she comes on time that is... I've decided I should just start doing jumping jacks early to get baby to come :)  but not too early, she does need to bake a little bit longer... But I just want her to Be here already! I'm at the point where it is hard to sleep because I can't get comfortable, my hips are taking a toll and some days I waddle really bad... I am getting just really excited to not be pregnant and just have a little bundle in my arms. 

getting ready for fall, I decorated on top of my mailboxes downstairs and I even made a cute holiday sign! I am glad that thanksgiving comes after Halloween here in America because then I don't have to worry about changing my decor till after the Baby comes. 

The first weekend in September my oldest sister Jana got married! So i went home and helped mom make favors and get ready for the wedding, it turned out very nice and we are excited for Shane and Jana.
Last weekend I went to Logan and Grandma Marilyn and I canned peaches and made Jam! I brought 30 quarts of peaches and 8 pints of jam home. I love peaches and canning season!
So there is a little update, so you have more blogs to read ;) I will try to be better but I am not making any promises... but until the baby comes I will for sure try to post a bit.